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Video Series
 from the Vision and Journey® Library



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Sample Videos
Big Vision: Introductory Lesson

The Big Vision: Lesson is our introductory mentoring video series. It explains how to create and use a “Big Vision” to help you make your dreams and goals more achievable.

This 2-video series mentors you in foundational concepts that are essential to pursuing any dream or goal successfully.

To learn more skills that can help you achieve your goals and dreams, watch the “How To” videos below. I walk you through how to start developing your ideas into a workable concept.

Also use the button below to sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter, which offers more insights on how to achieve your goals and dreams. The Newsletter has discount coupons for saving on our Library fees.

Sign Me Up for Newsletter 


Sample Videos
Big Vision: “How To” with Story Example

Big Vision: How To is a set of 3 videos that walk through how to start developing your ideas into a workable concept, using the Work Tool, Check List and Score Card apps as well as the Story Example from the Lesson. I mentor you in how to:

  • reflect on what matters to you about your goal
  • reflect on specific results you need for your goal
  • review your progress and refine your ideas
  • save your drafts to PDF

After this 3-video series, you are ready for the Mentoring Videos in the Big Vision Library Hub, which will mentor you in creative and strategic thinking for pursuing different types of goals and dreams.

Come Join Us!

I hope you enjoyed our videos. To access the Apps and the Mentoring Videos for Big Vision, go to the Library and register there as a Vision and Journey Library member. You will have access to the Big Vision Library Hub and its important resources .

Remember to sign up for the Library’s Quarterly Newsletter before registering in the Library. The Newsletter has special coupons with discounts on Library fees.

Sign Me Up for Newsletter 


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Big Vision


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About the Book

Vanessa Alvarez
– Founders Generation 4
– Looks for clues about the path to a second “Model County” and the Visions Beyond
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